Tension: My meetings suck and are boring

If you had to identify in one word the reason why the human race has not achieved and never will achieve its full potential, that word would be ‘meetings.
— Dave Barry

People often find how their work is organized, especially their meetings, creates a lot of tension causing a job you once loved to be a drain on your soul.

But meetings, when used well, don’t have to be a soul-crushing experience. The tech of Action Meetings is a powerful one that can create alignment, excitement, and a feeling of “that’s why I work here”.


Step By Step

Begin by restructuring your meetings.

Action Meeting Overview:

  • The purpose of an action meeting is to align team members on the current focus and ongoing projects, helping them achieve their goals efficiently.

  • Duration: Typically 20-60 minutes, with a recommended frequency of weekly or biweekly.

  1. Action Meeting Agenda Points: a. Checkin (2-3 minutes):

    • Allow time for everyone to connect and land in the meeting as a team.

    • Utilize check-in questions or practices to facilitate this process.

    b. Steering Numbers (5 minutes):

    • Select 1-3 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) relevant to the team's performance and direction.

    • Briefly review the KPIs at the start of each meeting, inviting short remarks or discussions if needed.

    c. Project Updates (5-10 minutes):

    • Each participant shares concise updates about ongoing projects.

    • Focus on changes since the last meeting, avoiding discussions about future plans.

    • Consider the impact on others, the need for contribution, and any required feedback.

    d. Agenda Topics (30 minutes):

    • Address current topics, engage in discussions, seek feedback, and make decisions.

    • Collect agenda topics in a centralized location, such as a Trello board or similar tool.

    • Specify what is needed from others when adding a topic (information, feedback, decision, etc.).

    • The meeting facilitator determines the order and number of topics, accommodating any urgent last-minute additions.

    e. Checkout (3 minutes):

    • Conduct a quick checkout round at the end of the meeting.

    • Ask individuals to share what they will do differently to improve future meetings or use playful evaluation questions.

    • Keep the checkout concise and strong, ensuring the meeting ends on or before the designated time.

  2. Adaptation and Experimentation:

    • Use this template as a starting point and tailor it to your specific context and requirements.

    • Feel free to experiment and make adjustments as needed to optimize the effectiveness of your action meetings.

Remember, the aim of this exercise is to enhance the productivity and relevance of your meetings. By implementing this agenda template and adapting it to your team's needs, you can create a framework that fosters efficient collaboration and effective decision-making.

Example Tools That Make this Process Easiert

My personal favorite is Fellow.app with a second being Docket HQ. If you would like my action meeting format you can message me over on LinkedIn and I’ll send it over.

How do I know if this Tech is for me?

  1. How have previous bad meetings affected my overall well-being and work satisfaction?

  2. In what specific ways do I believe action meetings can address the issues that cause tension in my current meeting experiences?

  3. How might my own contributions or approach in meetings contribute to their effectiveness or ineffectiveness?

  4. What personal adjustments or changes can I make to actively participate in and support the implementation of action meetings?

Why do this fucking thing?

This tech has the potential to change the ways in which organizations communicate. Here are 6 areas I’ve seen improvement very time I deploy the tech of action meetings.

  1. Increased productivity: Action meetings provide a structured framework for discussions, decision-making, and progress tracking. By following a focused agenda, teams can streamline their efforts, align on goals, and make tangible progress towards desired outcomes. This increased productivity can lead to more efficient use of time and resources.

  2. Improved communication and collaboration: Action meetings promote open and effective communication among team members. By providing a designated platform for updates, discussions, and feedback, these meetings create opportunities for collaboration, knowledge sharing, and problem-solving. This can foster a sense of cohesion, trust, and synergy within the team.

  3. Enhanced clarity and alignment: Action meetings ensure that all team members are on the same page regarding current priorities and ongoing projects. By regularly reviewing and aligning on key performance indicators and project updates, individuals better understand their roles, responsibilities, and contributions. This alignment reduces confusion, minimizes duplication of efforts, and improves overall coordination within the team.

  4. Empowerment and engagement: Action meetings create an inclusive environment where team members have a voice and can actively contribute. These meetings promote ownership and empowerment by encouraging everyone to share updates, ideas, and concerns. This engagement enhances individual motivation, commitment, and job satisfaction.

  5. Problem-solving and decision-making: Action meetings provide a dedicated space for addressing current topics, discussing challenges, and making decisions. By encouraging constructive dialogue and inviting different perspectives, these meetings foster effective problem-solving and facilitate timely decision-making. This proactive approach can prevent bottlenecks, resolve issues, and propel projects forward.

  6. Continuous improvement: Action meetings enable teams to reflect on their processes, identify areas for improvement, and implement necessary changes. Through regular check-ins and evaluations, teams can fine-tune their meeting practices, adapt the agenda to evolving needs, and strive for continuous improvement in their collaboration and outcomes.


Tension: Expressing myself in group settings


Tension: I don’t believe I can find the motivation.