Tension: Expressing myself in group settings

In the early stages of our journey, when we first acquire the gift of speech, a remarkable shift occurs within us. It is a profound relief experienced by young children when they are able to give a name to something. Through this act, the abstract becomes real, and the previously unexpressed finds a voice. This ability to name is a constructive milestone, a testament to our growing understanding of the world.


By practicing naming, we develop our subtle capacities, both individually and collectively.  A great tech for teams to use to get to know one another better and create safety in the group.


Step By Step

Embracing the Power of Naming: Key Principles

  1. Frame it as a test: When you feel the urge to name something you sense, see, or feel, approach it as an experiment. Say to yourself and others, "I'm going to name this thing so that you can help me validate if there's some truth in it or if it's simply my perception." By framing it as a test, you create an atmosphere of curiosity and openness.

  2. Let go of attachment: As you name something, release any attachment to a specific response or outcome. Be open to the possibility that it might solely be your perception or understanding. The purpose of naming is not to prove yourself right but to foster understanding and exploration within the group.

  3. Serve the group: Remember that the act of naming is intended for the benefit of the collective. It is an opportunity to contribute to the group's growth and insight. Shift your focus from personal validation to how your naming can enhance the group's understanding and dynamics.

  4. Trust yourself: Trust in your own perceptions and intuition regarding what you are sensing and the necessity of sharing it. Believe in the value of your insights and their potential impact on the group. Trust that you are bringing something meaningful to the table.

  5. Respectful communication: Always approach naming with respect and genuine care. Choose your words carefully, ensuring they convey your intention to contribute constructively. Be mindful of your words' impact on others, and communicate from a place of empathy and understanding.

By embracing these key principles, you can tap into the power of naming with courage and integrity. Remember, naming is not about being right but about offering insights for the benefit of the group. Trust yourself, communicate respectfully, and foster a space where shared understanding and growth can flourish.

Why do this fucking thing?

Through the power of naming, we embark on a journey of making the unseen visible, creating an environment where authenticity, understanding, and growth can flourish. Let us embrace this practice as a means to cultivate deeper connection, heightened awareness, and a more cohesive group dynamic.


Tension: I keep trying but not improving my situation.


Tension: My meetings suck and are boring